Saturday, September 23, 2017

3 Easy Ways To Make weight loss Faster

Green Tea for Weight Loss?

weight loss

There's nothing particularly healthy about green tea or any other kind of tea. So, if you think drinking green tea is going to be especially healthful, you're probably wrong.

Green tea is not going to help anyone lose fat. That's a myth and a meme which is unsupported by science just as is the acai berry myth, the Hoodia myth, the HCG myth, etc.

The truth about green tea is there are scores of varieties of the herb and no good scientific evidence any of them support fat loss to any significant degree. However, if you randomly surf the web you're likely to become the victim of scammers and their countless websites extolling the magical powers of such substances for profit.

Here's what the US National Institute of Health, the people your doctor listens to, has to say about green tea diets. Note the excerpt: "Insufficient evidence to rate effectiveness for weight loss.".
Here's a fact sheet about green tea. Note the excerpt: "There are not enough reliable data to determine whether green tea can aid in weight loss"

It pays to be skeptical about all supplements and especially those sold for the purposes of fat loss and muscle gain. The internet search engines only know what is popular, not what is true and correct. So, if you see it at the top of the Google or Bing search results, it means nothing. On the web, you have to dig for the truth because it is saturated with bad information designed to get you to buy products. Be skeptical, use critical thinking, and if it sounds too good to be true...well, you know the rest.

It would seem green tea is a poor choice for dieters simply because it has no appreciable effect on fat loss. High quantities of a concentrated extract may have some slight fat loss benefit but that can only be purchased as a supplement and there is still no good science to suggest efficacy in fat loss. Also, the National Institute of Health advises against taking supplements without a doctor's recommendation. So, if you like green tea, drink it. If you need caffeine, however, you can get that dirt cheap by buying NoDoz pills. Of course too much caffeine is not good for your body and can increase blood pressure, cause anxiety and panic attacks, and much more.

Some people claim green tea is loaded with antioxidants. However, there is new science suggesting that antioxidants are not good because our bodies seem to need to fight free radicals without special dietary supplementation beyond vitamins. The whole matter of anxioxidants in tea resolving free radicals is controversial at this time. And, even if green tea does have antioxidant properties, it's unlikely it is in sufficient quantity to be of real value to health.

Like so many other "natural" remedies, their health value is more wishful thinking from the lunatic fringe (naturopaths, homeopaths, etc) than real. If you have questions, talk with your doctor.

Good luck and good health!!

Source: ClickMaster by yahoo answer

Breast feeding and weight loss?

weight loss

Not everyone loses weight like magic when they breastfeed exclusively. I wouldn't say it's a myth, necessarily, but it's certainly not the case for everyone. Breastfeeding moms should consume about 300-500 *extra* calories a day. Not all women can lose weight while consuming those extra calories. Breastfeeding does burn a lot of calories, but breastfeeding mothers are supposed to be consuming extra calories to make up for it. I think a lot of breastfeeding advocacy articles and websites tout the weight loss benefits of breastfeeding as a big pro for moms, but breastfeeding moms really shouldn't try to lose weight rapidly while breastfeeding. Weight loss at a rate of 1-2lbs a week is considered safe, and it can be done while consuming those extra calories.

A lot of women lose weight rapidly immediately after their baby is born, but this really isn't due to breastfeeding, necessarily. Pregnant women put on a lot of fluid during the last few weeks of their pregnancy (they put on extra fluid during the entire pregnancy, actually, but the last few weeks, this is especially noticeable). This extra fluid ensures that the baby will remain well hydrated in the womb, and it helps provide extra hydration for the mother's body when she starts making milk, just in case there's a drought. It's a protective mechanism of sorts. If all of that extra fluid isn't needed, the mother's body eliminates it by sweating profusely and urinating frequently. This is why women often sweat excessively after giving birth, and it's how many mothers lose weight very quickly after their baby is born.

I had preeclampsia with my oldest, and almost all of the weight I put on was fluid. Within 3 weeks of his birth, I lost 40lbs - 10lbs 8oz of which was my baby, and the rest was fluid. I was sweating like a hog and peeing constantly. I was eating like a hog as well. I was still losing weight because all that fluid was just pouring out of my body. Granted, not all women lose that much that quickly, but fluid comes off fast. My point is that if a mother loses weight quickly after giving birth, it's almost certainly fluid. Fluid comes off very quickly. Fat takes a little bit longer to burn.

There's a theory about women who don't lose weight while breastfeeding, and I think it has some validity. Some women actually hold onto an extra 10-20lbs when they're breastfeeding because their body wants to have some extra stores of fat and fluid in case of a famine or drought. It's actually a protective mechanism that our bodies naturally have. I'm actually familiar with more women who have trouble losing weight while breastfeeding than women who lose weight quickly while nursing.

Source: Smurfy Keeps Going and Going by yahoo answer

Does tea work for Weight loss?

weight loss

Weight loss tea does work, min fact it is the ideal and safest way for SUSTAINED weight loss. It also has more health benefits than just weight loss.

Green tea was the fab a few years ago, but something new has been discovered recently about the emerging "white tea" which makes it more desirable for weight loss.

White tea together with acai contains three times more antioxidants than green tea. This results in a higher metabolism rate which is the best way to lose weight automatically.

I would suggest getting a free pack of white tea and acai.

Don't start dieting as yet...just be moderate and drink the white some exercises on the side...preferably 3 or 4 times a week around 20 or 30 mins.

This normally works due to the high metabolism power of white tea and acai.

Later on. you can move on to a lighter white tea version...such as blueberry or something similar.

Source: some random dude by yahoo answer

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