How to Turn Your Diet from Zero to Hero
If you keep trying to diet, but with no success, the reasons
might be simpler than you think. The solutions might be, too.
Nothing is more frustrating than busting your butt in the
gym and making healthier food choices, but still not losing weight. Trust me, I
know; it's one of the biggest complaints I hear from new clients. Most of them
are desperate for results and feel like they've tried every diet, every workout
plan, and every low-fat food on the market.
There are two general categories of people in this
predicament: People, who just can't seem to lose weight, and people who can
lose weight for a while but gain it all back—and then some. Whichever category
you're in, have faith: There is a solution. You may think there's some
complicated hormonal problem preventing you from losing weight, but 99 percent
of the time, it's one of the reasons below.
Keep in mind that whatever approach you take to losing
weight, you have to combine it with consistent, vigorous exercise. Do both and
your chances of reaching your weight-loss goal increase astronomically!
You Don't Stick To Your Diet Long Enough
You try "Diet X" for a few weeks, and at first,
you lose a couple of pounds. But the next week, you don't lose an ounce—even
after all the sacrifices you've made. So you decide that Diet X isn't right for
you and move on to another plan. And so on. All the while, your weight stays
pretty much the same.
Solution: Your challenge is to choose a plan that seems
realistic for your lifestyle and stick to it. It's that simple. Stop
questioning whether there's a better program out there, and commit to the task
at hand. Consistency is key when it comes to achieving weight loss. This might
not be the sexy answer you were hoping for, but it's the truth.
You Don't Consume Enough Calories
This next reason for an unsuccessful diet is a bit counter intuitive. Many people assume that if they're not losing weight, it's
because they're eating too much. So they eat less. And while this may be the
right course in some cases, drastically reducing your calories doesn't work in
the long run.
When you cut your calories, you can start to lose muscle as
well as fat. You can also put your body into survival mode, adjusting to fewer
calories by slowing down your metabolism.
Instead of starving yourself, start by keeping a detailed and accurate food
journal for a minimum of 1-2 weeks. A clear picture of what you eat every day
will emerge. Then, make small adjustments to your food choices so that you
start to lose weight—but without losing muscle. Start by aiming to lose no more
than 0.5-1.0 percent of your current body weight per week to maximize muscle
retention.[1] If you weigh 130 pounds, try to lose 0.6-1.3 pounds per week. If
you weigh 160 pounds, shoot for 0.8-1.6 pounds.
You've Been Dieting for Too Long
Do you remember the last time you weren't dieting or doing
something to try to lose weight? If you're not sure, you've probably been
focusing on fat loss for too long. Most people who are unsuccessful in their
weight loss tend to diet year-round. Typically, they go through periods where
they're "being good" and getting results, but then eventually fall
off the wagon—hard.
This cycle of compliance/weight loss and
non-compliance/weight gain becomes a pattern that can be hard to break. That's
because your body has a natural "set point," a certain body weight or
body-fat level it will fight to maintain.
Think of it like the thermostat in your house. When you
don't get all the calories you need for long periods of time, your body
regulates itself by turning down your metabolism, just as a thermostat would if
your house got too hot. It's a regulated system designed to keep your
metabolism in line with your daily caloric intake.[2,3]
Give your body a break! If you've been consistently dieting for more than three
months, or if you're spending way too much time fantasizing about the pastry
shop down the street, take a break from dieting. Oddly enough, ending a diet
can sometimes make it easier to lose weight. Eating normally for a while can
help your cravings subside. And that can make it easier for you to choose
healthier foods, give yourself more reasonable serving sizes, and lose weight.
Helms, E. R., Aragon, A. A., & Fitschen, P. J. (2014).
Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation:
nutrition and supplementation. Journal of the International Society of Sports
Rosenbaum, M., Hirsch, J., Gallagher, D. A., & Leibel,
R. L. (2008). Long-term persistence of adaptive thermogenesis in subjects who
have maintained a reduced body weight. The American Journal of Clinical
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